PinnedThe smallest guitar university in the worldIt’s a chilly February morning in Sofia, and snow has piled up at the Mladost 3 residential entrances, one of which houses Ilko Mishov’s…Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022
Orwell’s propaganda model in popular media and the concept of the term “Orwellian”When we think of propaganda, we can probably name a few people that pop into our minds, and one of them is George Orwell. The writer’s most…Mar 3Mar 3
Russian athletes are banned from competing professionally.In the middle of a conflict that has startled not only Europe but the whole world, international institutions are punishing Russia in every…May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
Family Dinner|Sofiya BudevaGrowing up, I never really had a sense of family dinner like the one they show in movies, where everyone gathers around the table and they…Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
An Extraordinary Person Living an Ordinary Life|Maria PenchevaPink spiked hair, overly large combat boots, bizarrely colored glasses, and a bright smile that radiates happiness drew me to the AUBG’s…Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
Pontic GreeksThe Pontic Greeks is a regional subculture that resembles the dominant Greek culture. The Pontic Greeks come from the region of Pontus…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
The Grand Budapest Hotel — a fairytale that uses humor to depict the tragedy (scene analysis)When I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel for the first time, I was left amazed by its unique story within a story within a story narrative…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
An evening on the armchairStarted as a photography project, but turned out to be a fun experience, resulting in new friends and many future projects. “An evening on…Mar 16, 2020Mar 16, 2020